ar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 01 00 55 v 1 2 7 O ct 2 00 0 1 Spinodal Decomposition in Finite Temperature SU ( 2 ) and SU ( 3 )
After a rapid increase in temperature across the deconfinement temperature Td to temperatures T ≫ Td, pure gauge theories exhibit unstable long wavelength fluctuations in the approach to equilibrium. This phenomenon is analogous to spinodal decomposition observed in condensed matter physics, and also seen in models of disordered chiral condensate formation. At high temperature, the unstable modes occur only in the range 0 < k < kc, where kc is on the order of the Debye screening mass mD. Equilibration always occurs via spinodal decomposition for SU(2). For SU(3) at T near Td, nucleation replaces spinodal decomposition as the dominant equilibration mechanism. Monte Carlo simulations of SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theories exhibit the predicted phenomena. For SU(2), the observed value of kc is in reasonable agreement with a value predicted from previous lattice measurements of mD.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 01 00 28 v 1 1 7 O ct 2 00 0 1 Two - colour QCD at finite fundamental quark - number density and related
We are simulating SU (2) Yang-Mills theory with four flavours of dynamical quarks in the fundamental representation of SU (2) 'colour' at finite chemical potential, µ for quark number, as a model for QCD at finite baryon number density. In particular we observe that for µ large enough this theory undergoes a phase transition to a state with a diquark condensate which breaks quark-number symmetr...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 41 00 19 v 1 1 3 O ct 2 00 4 Model A Dynamics and the Deconfining Phase Transition for Pure Lattice Gauge Theory
We consider model A dynamics for a heating quench from the disordered (confined) into the ordered (deconfined) phase of SU(3) lattice gauge theory. For 4N σ lattices the exponential growth factors of low-lying structure function modes are calculated. The linear theory of spinodal decompositions is compared with the data from an effective model and the Debye screening mass is estimated from the ...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 11 00 12 v 1 5 O ct 2 00 1 1 Center vortex model for the infrared sector of Yang - Mills theory ∗
A model for the infrared sector of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory, based on magnetic vortices represented by (closed) random surfaces, is presented. The model quantitatively describes both confinement (including the finite-temperature transition to a deconfined phase) and the topological susceptibility of the Yang-Mills ensemble. A first (quenched) study of the spectrum of the Dirac operator furthermo...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 51 01 02 v 1 2 5 O ct 2 00 5 Phase structure of lattice QCD with Wilson and Neuberger quarks at finite temperature and density ∗
We review our results for lattice QCD at finite temperature and density from analytical and numerical calculations with Wilson fermions and overlap fermions. c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 0 11 00 90 v 1 1 5 O ct 2 00 1 Diquark condensation in dense SU ( 2 ) matter
We report on a lattice study of two-color QCD with adjoint staggered fermions at high density. We find that the model has no early onset and we report on results for diquark condensation, from simulations with and without a diquark source term.
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